Administrative Policies

Administrative Policies

Our policies are designed to help you succeed in the ISS program. For more policy information, refer to the ISS Student Handbook and the Student Resources page.


Maximum Course Load

ISS students are permitted to take a maximum of three courses per term (fall, spring, and summer).

The ISS program is intentionally structured into condensed, 7-week courses. Although these courses offer an accelerated format, they are rigorous and may require up to 12 hours of coursework per week. Balancing a full course load alongside other commitments, such as full-time employment, can quickly lead to overload.

Research indicates that taking fewer courses can enhance learning outcomes. By focusing on a smaller number of courses, students are better able to retain information, engage more deeply with the material, and draw meaningful connections between courses.

If you believe there are exceptional circumstances that warrant taking more than three courses in a term, you must seek approval from Professor Kurzer.

Leave of Absence

If you need to take a break from your coursework, you may submit a leave of absence petition by going to UAccess Student Center > Advising > GradPath > GradPath Forms > Petition Form > Create New.

A leave of absence allows you to maintain your "active" student status while you step away from your studies. You may take up to two terms (consecutive or nonconsecutive) off without reapplying to the program, and upon your return, you can resume your studies by simply registering for courses. A leave of absence is only required during fall and spring terms. Students may skip summer terms with no consequence.

For more information on the leave of absence process, refer to the Graduate College's Leave of Absence page.

Internship Credit

Students can earn three units towards their M.A. degree by applying for internship credit.

To qualify, the internship must meet the following conditions:

  • Formal internship: It must be distinct from your regular job/duties.
  • Duration: The internship must last at least 135 hours.
  • Approval: The internship must be approved by Professor Kurzer.

Once approved, students must follow these steps to earn credit:

  1. Sign a Letter of Agreement outlining the scope of the work before starting.
  2. Complete an Evaluation of the internship and obtain a supervisor evaluation from the agency.
  3. Write a Report: Submit a 1,500-2,000 word report reflecting on how the internship connects to your coursework, and what you learned during the experience.

Visit our Internships page for a list of organizations that routinely offer international security-related internship opportunities.

Transfer Credit

We accept up to six credit hours as transfer credits.

To be eligible, the transfer coursework must meet the following criteria:

  • Relevance: The course must align with the ISS program curriculum and focus on international security.
  • Accreditation: The credits must come from an accredited institution.
  • Age: The course must have been completed within six years of your expected graduation date from the ISS program.
  • Grade: You must have earned a grade of A or B in the course.

If you have questions, please contact us. See the Graduate College's Transfer Credit policy for details.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

To remain in good standing within the ISS program, you are required to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 across all graduate coursework.

If your GPA falls below 3.0, you will be placed on academic probation. You will have one semester to raise your GPA back to 3.0 in order to continue in the program.