Class Schedule

Class Schedule


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Spring 2025, Session 1 | January 21, 2025 - March 9, 2025

Daniel Arnon3

Designed as an introductory course to the field of international security, this course has three main aims: first, to provide an overview of the major theories, concepts, and debates in international security. Second, to lay the foundations for elective ISS classes. Third, to introduce current and future security challenges faced by the U.S. and its allies. The course will tackle questions such as: what is "security" and how should we study and measure it? How have security problems changed over time? What are the causes of war and peace? When should states employ force? And what are the prospects for national and international security in the 21st century.

Kirssa Ryckman3

There are numerous historical cases of strategic nonviolent conflict, also called civil resistance or people power, with dynamic and recent examples from across the Middle East and North Africa during the Arab Spring. Yet while the study of violence has long defined the field of international security, scholars have only recently began to examine the causes and effects of nonviolent conflict. This course is designed to overview these movements of nonviolent, antigovernment dissent, including their emergence, movement dynamics, and outcomes.

Tolga Turker3

The region of Central Asia has emerged from obscurity in recent decades to become a key front in the war against international terrorism and radical Islam. This course explores the political and cultural history of Central Asia, as well as religious and social issues that impact the region's governmental structures, foreign relations, and security. We will explore the impact of Russian conquest and Soviet domination of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan before moving on to an analysis of contemporary issues in government and politics in the region. Emphasis will be on the authoritarian regime variations, rise of Islamism, great power politics, economic and social development, and energy geopolitics.

Mikhail Beznosov3

The purpose of this course is to analyze critically the emergence of China and India as state powers in the global system and the implications of this evolution for the United States and Europe, including countries in and neighboring the European Union (EU).

Christina Sciabarra3

This course is designed to give you an overview of armed conflict in its many forms, with a focus on interstate and intrastate war. The course will begin by considering the concept of armed conflict and its many forms, and the empirical trends in armed conflict across time and space. Theoretical and empirical work will then be drawn upon to address the question of why armed conflict occurs and what explains the onset of war, as well as what explains the conduct of opposition forces during war along with war's severity, duration and conclusion.

Jeff Kucik3

This course focuses on the role international organizations (IOs) play in contemporary global politics. IOs have become an increasingly common feature of the political landscape. Institutions shape state behavior in areas such as trade, security, the environment, and human rights.

The course provides background on the historical development of major multilateral IOs. We pay special attention to how institutions are designed. We then assess each organization's performance record. Specific questions include:

Does UN peacekeeping promote post-war stability?
Is the ICC an effective tool for protecting human rights?
How do the IMF and World Bank approach global development?

To answer these questions, we consider internal policy reports, outside commentary, instructional videos, podcasts, and academic analyses.

Nick Thorne3

This class will examine the international arms trade from several perspectives and at different levels of analysis. The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the literature, questions, and debates about the role that military equipment and technology plays in international relations.


Spring 2025, Session 2 | March 17, 2025 - May 4, 2025

Michael Burgoyne3

In U.S. policy and strategy documents, Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) has been identified as a threat to American national security. The growing consensus is that globalization with its associated revolutions in communications and transportation has greatly enhanced the capabilities and power of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs). Understanding the diverse criminal groups, their methodologies, and their networks is the critical first step in developing effective policies to confront them.

Lisa Sanchez3

U.S. Immigration policy is vast and complex. Passed at the federal and state level and implemented at the local level, immigration policies have a myriad of consequences- intended and unintended. We will explore the various types of immigration policies, their goals, and consequences with an eye toward evaluating their efficacy. In particular, we will consider immigration policy from the perspective of border flows- who and what flow across our borders and the ability of the U.S. government to control those flows. We will also consider the historical and political context underpinning immigration policy today as well as explore the feasibility and need for reforms in the future. Together we will question the validity and necessity of national borders while weighing security, humanitarianism, geopolitical relations, terrorism, race, and capitalism, and freedom.

Jennifer Cyr3

Latin America is a region that faces multiple political, social, and economic challenges. Some of these are cross-cutting, including the very real problems of crime and violence. In Latin America, crime and violence are common occurrences. They have multiple sources and have wide ranging impact. We will consider the causes of crime and violence, as perpetrated by state and non-state actors, as well as violence toward particular groups. We will also examine how countries address crime and violence and the extent to which reform is possible.

Matias Bianchi3

The digital revolution is changing politics. From Barack Obama's use of the Internet to drive his presidential campaign, to the upheaval of the Arab Spring and the emergence of new social movements like #OccupyWallStreet, digital technology is challenging and changing established institutions on a number of fronts. This course introduces students to the history of the Internet and the emerging technologies that are defining the Digital Age. It places emphasis on the role of technology in politics and its implications for democracy and citizen rights. The course will cover a wide range of issues related to governance of the internet, privacy and security, the role of the media and open source development.

Judith McDaniel3

This course will chart the progress of the recognition that gender is an important part of any discourse about security. One focus of the course is on the U.N. Tribunals on the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, on the development of the gender perspective written into the charter of the International Criminal Court, and the subsequent U.N. resolutions around gender and security. The second focus is on the effect of gender equality on human security, economic prosperity, and national stability.

Mikhail Beznosov3

This course will focus on energy policy and energy security understood in the context of global and Eurasian politics and international relations. The course offers different perceptions of energy security in importing and exporting nations, and aims at identifying contemporary developments in providing energy security on global, regional and national levels.

Paulette Kurzer1

Capstone project, in which students develop a portfolio that overviews their academic work in the context of their professional goals. This should be taken as the final course of the ISS M.A. degree.


Summer 2025, Session 1 | May 19, 2025 - July 6, 2025

Chad Westerland3

The US Constitution structures and defines the powers of the United States. However, constitutions, almost by definition, do not always provide the details for how the various powers that are created are to be used in practice. At various junctures in American history, responses to security threats, both traditional and non-traditional, have created constitutional dilemmas for the US Government. In this course, we will explore how the US Supreme Court has attempted to resolve the constitutional conflicts over how foreign affairs are conducted by the United States. We will examine the justifications for the specific constitutional powers of both the legislative and executive branches and the potential sources of conflict that these powers create. Finally, we also explore the ways in which the presence of armed conflict or security crises shape constitutional law within the United States.

Anne Boustead3

Countries such as the US, China, and Russia that once were separated by great distances are now connected by cyber at the speed of light. This change requires us to rethink what we know about security, international relations, and war. To complicate matters, the Internet has instantiated differently in different States due to bureaucratic, political, cultural, and economic factors and has shaped each State in different ways. Understanding these cyber-differences is critical for understanding the role of networks in Security for each State and the role of "attribution", "retaliation", and "deterrence" in State-relations.

Randall Trani3

This course provides an overview of the role of intelligence in the formulation and execution of US national security policy. It will include a detailed look at challenges facing both the analysis of intelligence information and the introduction of that analysis into the national security policy process, and will also entail close reading and discussion of selected declassified intelligence documents.


Summer 2025, Session 2 | July 7, 2025 - August 24, 2025

Michael Burgoyne3

Policy and strategy development is perhaps the most critical function of the national security apparatus. The results of the policy process provide the blueprint for the array of agencies and departments that execute U.S. national security. Strategy can be narrowly defined in military terms or expanded into grand strategy integrating all of the elements of national power (Diplomatic, Information, Military, Economic, Finance, Intelligence, Law Enforcement). A review of classic strategists including Clausewitz and Sun Tzu will build a foundation upon which modern strategists like Mao Tse-Tung and Schelling add insurgency and nuclear game theory. This course will examine the definitions of policy and strategy, survey the structure and players at the top of the U.S. national security system, and provide the analytical tools for strategy development. Finally, the course will examine the strategy behind the Cold War containment of the Soviet Union and contrast it with the War on Terror strategy which has had suboptimal results. Throughout the course, students will work together as an interagency team to develop a strategy that addresses a current U.S. national security issue. Leveraging an understanding of the nature of strategy and the structure of the national security system, students will build practical experience culminating in the presentation of their strategy.

Alexis Ludwig3

Paulette Kurzer1

Capstone project, in which students develop a portfolio that overviews their academic work in the context of their professional goals. This should be taken as the final course of the ISS M.A. degree.


Fall 2025, Session 1 | August 25, 2025 - October 11, 2025

Daniel Arnon3

Designed as an introductory course to the field of international security, this course has three main aims: first, to provide an overview of the major theories, concepts, and debates in international security. Second, to lay the foundations for elective ISS classes. Third, to introduce current and future security challenges faced by the U.S. and its allies. The course will tackle questions such as: what is "security" and how should we study and measure it? How have security problems changed over time? What are the causes of war and peace? When should states employ force? And what are the prospects for national and international security in the 21st century.

Frank Gonzalez3

Ultimately, all political phenomena, including issues related to international security, boil down to interactions between humans - usually, groups of humans. As such, people's lay theories and beliefs about how humans think and make decisions in groups significantly affect how they approach political issues, including those related to international security. Research on group psychology offers a means of informing, critically evaluating, and improving these lay theories and beliefs. Decades of research have been done in the fields of social and political psychology on how groups of people interact with one another, why interactions between and within groups often become hostile or counter-productive, and how interactions between and within groups can be adjusted in ways that encourage cooperation and peace. In this course, we will seek to understand, broadly: why do groups sometimes conflict and sometimes cooperate with one another? We will start by broadly reviewing what psychologists have discovered regarding inter- and intra-group behavior. Students will then learn about what small-scale laboratory research has told us about when and why conflict versus cooperation might result from group interactions. Next, we will spend considerable time examining how this research has been applied to understanding a range of international security issues, including war and peace, ethnic conflict, terrorism, genocide, international trade, foreign aid, immigration, and refugees. Assignments will require students to critically evaluate their own as well as others' understandings of how group psychology influences contemporary international security issues and come up with concrete, novel ways in which group psychology might inform efforts to handle international security issues now and in the future.

Jeff Kucik3

The course will examine connections between politics and economics beyond the single nation state, with an emphasis on policy implications in the 21st century. Students will be introduced to; free market (AKA liberal, neoclassical); institutionalist (AKA pluralist, multi-centric organizational); and historical materialist (AKA Marxist, structuralist). Each perspective will be presented by specifying its particular thought 'model', underlying assumptions, and application to real-world issues. The course will compare and contrast these perspectives with respect to core global political economy (GPE) issues such as trade, finance, transnational corporations, development and environmental sustainability.

Jennifer Cyr3

This course examines the relationship between democracy and security. Each week, students will learn about how democracy interacts one of many different security challenges. We will conceive of security broadly and, therefore, will consider how democracies fare when it comes to: war, crime, human security, corruption, and the military as an institution.

Tolga Turker3

Political Islamism has been a focus of policy makers in the post- 9/11 era. However, before concrete strategies can be formulated to deal with this concern, the nature and dynamics of Islamist mobilization itself must be understood. To do that, this course will benefit from the knowledge generated through years of study in different parts of the world and in various disciplines in identifying: What is it? What causes it? What motivates an individual to join an Islamist group and possibly use violence? Under what conditions will these groups moderate, and when will they radicalize? Overall this course is designed as a resource for students of political science and international security studies as well as broad audiences in the social sciences seeking to understand the emergence, evolution, and possible futures of what commonly called political Islam.

Robert Wells3

Analysis of the Cold War; Congressional-Executive clashes over foreign policy control; approaches to policy analysis. Graduate-level requirements include additional assignment/paper.

Paul Schuler3

This course considers the national interests, issues and conflicts, relations, and influence of domestic politics in interstate relations in East Asia.


Fall 2025, Session 2 | October 20, 2025 - Deember 7, 2025

Paulette Kurzer3

This course offers an introduction to the political systems of post-World War II Europe. Using a country-by-country approach, the course focuses specifically on Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and East-Central Europe. It also contains a unit on the institutions and policies of European Union. We will take a closer look at the impact of immigration on European society, the interaction between domestic and European institutions, the debates on economic reforms and market liberalization in different countries, and the relationship between the EU and the US. Graduate-level requirements include extra readings, weekly meeting to discuss extra readings, and a 20-page research paper on an instructor approved topic.

Pat Willerton3

Russian foreign policy and the political processes by which that policy is developed and implemented. Passing attention is given to the Soviet past which structures post-1991 Russian behavior. Our approach is social scientific as we attempt to identify tendencies in Russian foreign policy behavior and to explain goals and strategies. Attention is given to policies, the decision-making process, and the political elite who craft policy. Elements of continuity and change in Russian foreign and security policy (Soviet and post-Soviet) are highlighted.

Andrew Grogan3

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) is a specialized field of practice within the broader domain of intelligence. The discipline encompasses all activities involved in the collection, use and dissemination of geographically referenced information (imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial information) using technical capabilities that include remote sensing, GIS, data management, and data visualization. GEOINT processes and capabilities are designed to gain intelligence about the national security or an operational environment, visually depict this knowledge, combine the knowledge with other information sources, and present knowledge in a way that is appropriate to the decision-making environment. GEOINT supports key mission areas related to the national security of the U.S. including informing policymakers; supporting military, intelligence, and homeland security operations, and facilitating intelligence collaboration. While the GEOINT discipline is secretive in operations, this course presents publicly available unclassified information to describe its use, benefits and governance.

Michael Burgoyne3

Mexico and the United States have always shared a complex relationship. Mexico is the second largest U.S. trading partner with over $661 billion in trade in 2021; that amounts to over a million dollars crossing the border every minute. Conversely, organized crime in Mexico has claimed nearly 200,000 lives since 2006 and there are more than 93,000 people reported as disappeared. Drugs produced or trafficked through Mexico feed a devastating drug abuse crisis in the United States that led to the deaths of 91,799 people in 2020. Despite a change in U.S. administrations, the challenges of economic integration, irregular migration, and transnational organized crime continue to drive U.S. policy objectives. In Mexico, populist Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has struggled to implement his goals to take on corruption, reduce government excess, and solve Mexico's internal security crisis. Understanding the unique Mexican security situation and the Mexican perspective of security policy is critical for academics and policymakers navigating evolving bilateral security relations.

Saskia Popescu3

The evolution of infectious diseases into a global security threat isn't particularly novel but became official when the United Nations recognized HIV/AIDS as a security threat. As the world becomes more interconnected and humans encroach on natural habits, emerging infectious diseases, like COVID-19 and Ebola, have underscored the ability for diseases to severely impact critical infrastructure. Since the realization that infectious diseases pose unique threats to the stability of nation states, the notion of global health security was development as an approach to understanding and studying these unique vulnerabilities. Biodefense, biopreparedness, and biothreats are all increasingly used terminologies and studies that play into the security dynamics of infectious diseases. We will examine the concepts of global health security, as well as the spectrum of threats, which include natural, accidental, and intentional biological events.

Paulette Kurzer1

Capstone project, in which students develop a portfolio that overviews their academic work in the context of their professional goals. This should be taken as the final course of the ISS M.A. degree.