Andrew Grogan

Research Areas
Andrew Grogan received a B.A. in Geography from the University of Arizona with a focus on arid lands, environmental perception and urban terrain analysis. He received his Master’s in Geographic Information Systems from The Pennsylvania State University's MGIS program which concluded with a capstone focusing on geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) by creating a spatial analysis model for generating cost surfaces, to depict cross country mobility, in natural terrain. He is a local geographer who grew up in Tucson and has worked in the geospatial industry for twenty two years.
Andrew has over fifteen years of GEOINT industry experience generating standard and custom intelligence products for federal level entities in the GEOINT community. During his professional GIS career he has worked for companies like General Dynamics doing geospatial development and production for a broad range of subjects including GEOINT and analysis of human/natural terrain systems. He has worked on dozens of GEOINT projects with a diverse set of mission requirements, managed teams of GEOINT analysts and mapped over one hundred locations across the globe for operational decision making purposes. Andrew has also provided GEOINT support for private industry through his GIS consulting business Strategic Geospatial Solutions.
In other positions he has done enterprise level GIS database, mapping and analysis work for large environmental engineering projects across the US. He is a world traveler and avid fly fisherman with a fascination with the natural world. While an instructor for POL 578A he is also the Assistant Director of the BS and MS-GIST programs out of the School of Geography, Development & Environment. Andrew provides instruction and technical support for GIS/Remote Sensing courses and general administrative functions across all three GIST degree programs.
- M.G.I.S.
- B.A. Geography