ISS Student Spotlight | Katie Foster

Tell us about your background and why you chose the ISS program.
I’m originally from the Houston, TX area but currently call Spanish Fork, UT home. I graduated from Brigham Young University with my B.A. in Political Science in December 2022 before starting the ISS program in January 2023. My experience working in the childcare industry and academic interest in international affairs inspired me to apply for the International Security Studies program. I am fascinated by the intersections between religious extremism, violent and nonviolent conflict, and vulnerable populations. The ISS program provided the perfect opportunity to pursue research in these areas.
Can you share a specific moment during your time in the program that was particularly rewarding or challenging?
I lost a close family member suddenly and unexpectedly in the middle of a particularly busy term. At the time, I was juggling part time employment, a full time course load, and preparing to submit law school applications. With the support of my amazing professors, I was able to grieve and spend time with my family, complete all assignments, submit applications, and maintain my grades. As I finish my final term, I am extremely grateful for the support lent by the ISS faculty and proud of my accomplishments despite the challenges that I have faced.
How has your experience as an ISS student shaped your personal and professional goals?
My coursework throughout this program has influenced my decision to pursue a career in law. I believe that my education at the University of Arizona will provide me with a unique perspective in the legal field. I also hope to continue writing outside of academia. I have noticed the growth in both my writing and research skills during my time in the ISS program and aim to continue developing as a writer.
What are your plans after completing the ISS program?
I am very excited to attend law school next year! After graduating from law school, I hope to become a family lawyer that specializes in providing legal assistance and protection to those negatively impacted by domestic and international religious extremist groups.
Looking back on your journey, what are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my completed capstone portfolio. The past two years have been challenging yet rewarding, and my portfolio reflects this effort and showcases important international security issues.